{Virtual Work Opportunities for the week of April 24th….scroll down…. but we’d love for you to read our advice on how to land these great opportunities first!}

You’re reading our job opportunities each week and feeling discouraged because you’re still pretty new at this.

“How should I present myself? Oh, forget it. I’m not even going to apply.”


That’s not how this virtual work industry works. No one is looking for college degrees or years of experience.

Business owners are looking for this (a direct quote from one of the opportunities we posted today):

“I am willing to train the right person in new things, but it is the eagerness to work and complete tasks with accuracy that I seek. “

So this is GREAT NEWS. It means that you go-getters, who are good at listening, learning and following up have the BEST CHANCE at breaking into this field.

Here are 3 ways to present yourself for these opportunities:

1. Be honest about your skillset

Just tell them. “I’ve never worked with the tool Drip but I’ve used other email response systems so I’m familiar with the concepts. I’ve taught myself other email systems in the past.”

I use this even when bidding $2 – 5 k projects and it’s fine. Because no one knows everything so they want a fast learner. Which brings us to point 2.

2. Demonstrate you are a fast learner

This can happen on your interview call or even emails. Find something to show you really pick up on their needs and can quickly grasp and understand what they want you to do.

You could even ask for a test project to show your learning ability. Offer it for half price (free is dangerous as you can be taken for a ride and ultimately the client is getting value for your work.)

3. Be responsive

I can’t say this enough. Apply fast. Reply fast. Deliver fast.  Always with quality of course. If the first set of work I get from a new VA has grammatical errors or misses the mark in what I asked for, it’s a sign they aren’t paying attention to detail.

Which is the #1 skill all VAs and Virtual Professionals need to always do well – attention to details.

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Here are our Virtual Work Opportunities for this week:

{These virtual work opportunities are pulled from various sources around the web each week.  Some are free listings and some require a membership to sites such as FlexJobs or HireMyMomIf you want the best clients, long-term business and the highest rates, we suggest using these sites over free Facebook groups.  To learn how to refine your search for the highest dollar virtual work opportunities, try our fast class.}

Take Fast Action – this business owner needs a VA ASAP for Product Launch

She’s launching May 13th. Yikes! I know this feeling! So much to do. Hit the ground running and take all the busy work off her plate. Uploading videos, update the members’ area, create social content, etc.

Work well together and this will become on-going with WordPress updates, social media strategy, marketing and copywriting. (Can’t do all of that? Most people can’t. She really needs a team and a ringleader – that could be you!)

Write to your heart’s content and get paid for it!

Join a team of 40+ virtual workers who believe in work-life balance as a freelance copywriter. Creating content is heavy work and often outsourced. The right words win customers. Have you worked in sales and marketing and can write on those topics? Those are the desired topics here: conversion rate optimization, leaky marketing funnels ( the ability to fix them!) and sales lead follow-up.

VA Support for Online Writing Program

Meet by video. Keep her Buffer social queues full. Help with member content and the never-ending email newsletter work (this one is using Drip and Access Ally.)

Simple. Direct. And perfect work for the right professional. Apply quickly. Display confidence and professionalism. And follow up. That’s the formula for getting these positions.

Detail Oriented, Fast learners – Professional Beginners

Read these job descriptions closely to understand the business owners pain points: They need copywriting and proofreading across multiple platforms with their content. This means…. they’ve had stuff posted that isn’t perfect (i.e. embarrassing to their business) and know they shouldn’t have to worry about reviewing VA work. It should all be proofed well. Also, content work is heavy and once it’s done once (i.e. the blog is written), it’s a mechanical exercise to get it out across their channels.

Then this statement is so telling: “I am willing to train the right person in new things, but it is the eagerness to work and complete tasks with accuracy that I seek. “

This is a business owner who’s been disappointed in past VA results. And understands that people who have the patience for detail and are fast learners can be easily trained up into this job. This makes it perfect for a newer VA who is polished, professional and detail-oriented. (I love opportunities like this because it can be so win-win for the right people!)

Another Growing Digital Marketing Firm Needs a VA

UK-based digital marketing company is looking for a smart & savvy, upbeat VA to help with administrative tasks such as customer service, client email and phone calls, research and various administrative duties.

(Every single week there is at least one opportunity like this. Do you know why? This industry is booming and these small but growing agencies need help. Set your targets on learning these skills and there is no shortage of work.)

Wanting to go faster in building your virtual professional business?

Now through April 30th, I have FIVE SPACES for our buy one – get one special.

When you join 6 Weeks To Clients VIP edition (which includes your own Virtual Professional website and hosting and personal training for setting up the copy … a steal already), we’re also giving you Verified Virtual Professional Training Center. 30 skills to learn rapidly and build up your virtual professional portfolio.

This is the time. In 5 weeks, summer hits and us moms all know what that means.

Go strong in May and watch your summer fun money grow. 🙂

For the first FIVE participants only:
Join 6 Weeks To Clients VIP and get Verified Virtual Professional Training Center f.r.e.e.
Use coupon code BOGOFREELANCE
Expires April 30th