Quiz Opt-ins: Because Your Prospect Always Wants To Know
Tell them what they most want to know!
And make it a specialized answer to their situation. Because, we all think we are a little special and unique.
This is where a quiz opt-in comes into play. With a quiz opt-in you ask a very compelling question, such as this one I am asking of moms who want to work-from-home. And after a sequence of questions with logic behind it, you give them a calculated result based on their answers.
I know this market has clicked around to a countless websites looking for that answer. But what’s right for ME to work from home? This quiz walks through key criteria that help me know which is the best recommended path for this mom based on their skillset, their income goals and their available time (and some other secret ingredients I find help me discern best when I’m having a face to face conversation.)
Dare I say this is almost as effective as a face to face convo to get them the right resources if you quiz is designed properly?
Now, some businesses have used this quiz builders to make very viral posts on their facebook pages. Do you remember “Which Disney Princess are you?” Right. You know you clicked on that bad boy in a moment of boredom / mindless curiosity. See how attractive a quiz can be?
I’ve been wanting to build a quiz for awhile but hesitated because of the complexity behind it using just my website and email automation system (and I’m a software engineer by schooling!). When I had a chance to try this tool by Interact, it was a no-brainer. And this entire quiz (which is more complicated than I think most would try on a first attempt) took me only 90 minutes to create.
Here are some behind the scenes of what the builder looks like:
Super easy to configure this step including photos for each question if you’d like (and I recommend….more emotional connection to keep the quiz taker clicking thru)
Whoa nelly! That’s crazy Lori! Yep, a little techy here but you can hire a nerdgirl like me because this doesn’t scare me and it took about 1 / 1000th the amount of time other quiz builder logic would have.
I was super impressed with the level of detail here. and too often we get excited building something and forget to look close enough at the math of what’s working and not working. (or we don’t build in the right links to track it appropriately). This is done for you. Nicely at that.
Notice I’ve barely sent any traffic to this quiz funnel yet but because I can see in great detail what these prospects answered, when I personally reached out to them, I had way better conversations and could be more helpful than ever.
All-the-options. This thing has some legs on it. Because if you build a good quiz, you want it to show up everywhere.
My View On The Benefits of This tool:
- The most affordable quiz builder on the market
- Easy integration to my email automation solution (in this case Ontraport) including tags and directing a contact to a specific sequence
- The branding component allowed me to make this match my brand with just a few clicks
- Built in stock photos saved much time pulling from other sites
- Highly flexible in the logic area in quizzes “if / then” kinds of logic
Challenges I Found With this Tool:
- Mapping out the path through your quiz can get way crazy in that builder if you have a number of different results and variables
- SOLUTION: Keep it simpler. Your audience will handle that better as well.
- It’s another monthly tool investment. But…with the right strategy one that totally pays off.
My Recommendation
The right quiz design can help you convert higher quality leads and the tool more than pays for itself. So know your market, and ask the question they most want answered, then get that quiz in front of enough people and it has more than paid for itself.