Parenting + Work – Adjusting to having it all

Parenting + Work – Adjusting to having it all

holding hands "I'll go with you" tattoo on arms


The New York Times recently published an article called:   In the Covid-19 Economy, You Can Have a Kid or a Job. You Can’t Have Both.  

Full stop.   I had been in the middle of a social media break but I put that quickly on pause.   Because this message is HUGE.  It hits the very soul of my life passion: for women to have BOTH successful careers and fulfilling motherhood (and now I’d add…. a strong partnership in parenting to benefit both).  

Can I just say….if I was working for a company remotely or outside my home I would be losing my mind about now. 

I’m already stretched thin balancing my flexible, full-time business from home with all my kids – whom I love – here with me! Throw in an ex-husband who regularly tells me it’s “no big deal… they can manage themselves while you work” and I’ve just focused on deep, cleansing breaths to get through this season…. which SURELY must come to an end right?

Here’s a great quote from this article (who is also an online business owner i.e. flexible schedule): 

“Let me say the quiet part loud: In the Covid-19 economy, you’re allowed only a kid or a job.  Why isn’t anyone talking about this? ………I think it’s because when you’re home schooling all day, and not performing the work you were hired to do until the wee hours of the morning, and do it on repeat for 106 days (not that anyone is counting), you might be a bit too fried to funnel your rage effectively.”

then this….

“And I speak from a position of significant privilege. We were, until recently, a two-income family with savings, paying for more than the minimum of child care hours that we needed each day just to cover what-ifs,……..But my family, as a social and economic unit, cannot operate forever in the framework authorities envision for the fall.”

 This is the problem…we can’t do this (the burnout mode) forever.

There is hope for a better way though, I am going to get to that. Not only am I doing this now but I have waded through some very tough seasons working fulltime as a mom of four and have some ideas I think will help.    


Thank goodness this is finally a topic! 

I’ve watched so many of us crawl into our caves of self-sacrifice and just GSD (get $hit done as my girls and I say) through work transition, remote school, extra sanitization and more.

Some charged full steam ahead as long as they could, others retreated and self-survived. Some of us truly just drank a little more and wondered how the days feel so long and short at the same time.

BECAUSE WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF BRUTE FORCE WORKING THRU SOMETHING FOR A SEASON (pregnancy, infancy, toddlers, teen hormones, bad bosses, midlife crises….. global pandemic + highly tumultuous world was just a new one for all of us). Here we are almost 4 months later with very few answers and no real end in sight.

 Pause and ask yourself these quick questions: 

  1. Did you take on too much? Is there room to ask for more balance from the other parent? 

 Married or not…. I challenge you to not enable a situation where life is being sucked out of you in the name of being a people pleaser. 

  1. Are you really working for the right employer or running the right business for you? 

 You still have choices….even in this economy.

you still have choices in this economy image

This topic has so many layers…… relationships, personal growth, life purpose/career choices, societal expectations, gender bias in the workplace.

Where am I finding the hope and the way right now?  Yes, firstly, deep cleansing breaths first but there is more than that.  There is good news in this and here it is… 

There is a way to move forward even given our current situation in life trying to “balance” it all… but Momma, you are going to have to think differently.

These are my “think different” game-changers: 

mom with kids outside

You can have both.  Work + Kids.  

It is not one or the other – that is a lie. Might just look a little different than it did before.  I’m still seeing a lot of professional working moms start their own freelance / contract businesses (the world is already moving this way). You know where to find my resources.  Here’s my  latest – epic master list of work from home options. 

kid holding schedule during pandemic

It will take new systems and partnership.  

This is a chance to reset your own expectations, systems, goals and focus to level up into a more effective you. Don’t gloss over that. Resetting expectations is HUGE. Leveling up might mean goaling down. Yeah… it’s temporary though! Maybe the goal post gets moved back a bit, we have to be kind to ourselves and our families right now in this season.  We aren’t saying no to ourselves but maybe it’s okay to say not yet.  

Partnership. This looks different for anyone but it is time to sit down and figure out how to be a good partner AND develop a fair and productive partnership.  This can be about more than the other parent.  Older kids can get involved here too.  A chance to ask them to level up where appropriate is an opportunity for all to grow and help the family in this season.  

Lori at computer selfie

Let’s all just “do good and be good”. 

As a leader (or an employee), it’s a chance to improve company culture and negotiate things like hours, salary, and flexibility that ultimately bring better results in business with happier employees. Not sure staying with your current employer is you best option, check out my blog on 3 Reasons To Quit. 

lori relaxing on beach

Rest and reset.  

We all need to still show up as emotionally intelligent professionals, both for work and for our families. There’s no end in sight to this season so like everything else you’ve figured out as a working mom….. let’s dig in and do this in community with one another. You were never meant to do it alone.  

Intentionally rest. I know how hard that can be. I build this into my schedule because it doesn’t happen otherwise.  This is different from burning out and not being able to look at the screen for a bit. Intentional rest ensures that we do not burn out on our work or our family.  It builds in time to relax and reset so we can take on another week, game face on. 

We got this because we have each other and that is the best way forward; together. 

Sending the strength to all the working parents out there!!!

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What SBA Loans Can Help Virtual Professionals in April 2020

What SBA Loans Can Help Virtual Professionals in April 2020

Do the SBA Disaster Loan programs apply to me as a Virtual Professional?  As a Freelancer?  As an independent contractor?   Yes!  

Here’s a quick lesson on the programs as of April 10, 2020 but more importantly…. financial learning and business structure you NEED to know as a business owner.   Watch this and learn some of the seemingly scary stuff about LLCs and S-Corps and Payroll and Loans and Cashflow.






Are you a small business (LLC, s-corp, 501c3) with less than 500 employees?  

—->  You qualify for PPP or EIDL $10K Advance or EIDL  (but you cannot apply for ALL of them)


Are you a solopreneur who pays receives 1099s from clients for tax purposes?

—->  You can apply for PPP on your own.  (It’s fuzzy whether or not your clients can claim contractor $ as payroll)

What is PPP (Paycheck Protection Program)?

  • A forgiveable loan (i.e. like a grant) for up to 2.5 times monthly payroll
    • Also applies to rent, utilities and some other details
  • You must use the money towards those items – they will “verify” in some way after the fact
    • i.e. you need to show a financial statement that shows you paid payroll during this 8 week period
  • If you don’t use it for that purpose but it rolls into a 10 year, 3-ish% loan, no payments until 6 months from now
  • Must apply thru a bank!  (details below)

What is EIDL?

  •  Emergency Disaster Relief Loan
  • Application process is only online thru the SBA website
  • There is an EIDL Loan Advance that is super simple, $10k, and forgiveable whether or not you get the EIDL loan
  • The EIDL loan is for up to $2 million for businesses payable at a low interest over 10 years
    • You can receive a bigger EIDL loan potentially than a PPP which is why you want to consider doing this depending on your business situation


What do I recommend you do strategically as a Virtual Professional?

If you are a debt free business (s-corp, LLC, etc):

  • Apply for PPP AND the EIDL Advance.
    • it’s not clear if you will get both but likely there is a number they will cap you at.
    • Use the funds as intended for payroll (You will be asked to report how you used it)  Then do smart things with your cash reserves such as invest ahead for new programs, expansion

If you have business debt:

  • Apply for PPP and even the EIDL Advance.
    • Use the funds as intended for payroll (you will be asked to report how you used it and will pay interest if not used for payroll)
    • If there is extra, use it to pay off high interest debt. The PPP money if not used for payroll (and other approved expenses) is no payment for 6 months then rolls into a very low interest (i.e. 3%ish) 10 year loan.  Very inexpensive money that helps keep your business afloat!
  • **OR** if your business is operating with multiple full time employees and in the multiple 6 figures —> talk to your business advisors about the full EIDL option (and apply for the $10k advance right away)


  • (watch the video)
  • EIDL Advance is fast and easy only thru the website
  • PPP requires working thru a bank.  
    • I suggest a local bank where you have a personal relationship.  (big banks are struggling to process the apps)
    • Applications started April 3 and already over $120billion of the $350bill+ has been applied for.  
    • Application details took me about 2 hours to prepare this information for my bank:
      • Completed Application (Attached)
      • Payroll Expense Verification Documents to include:
      • o   IRS Form 940 and 941
      • o   Payroll Summary Report with corresponding bank statement
      • o   If a payroll summary report is not available, employee pay stubs as of 02-15-2020(or corresponding period) with corresponding bank statement and breakdown of payroll benefits (vacation, allowance for dismissal, group healthcare benefits, retirement benefits, etc
      • o   1099s (if independent contractor)
      • Trailing twelve-month P&L



  1. PAY YOURSELF OFFICIAL INCOME!   If you have not been paying yourself an official income you do not qualify for these.  Ouch!
    • Do not fall into the trap of writing off everything as a business expense to try and avoid taxes. There are some really smart ways to do that once you are above a payroll threshold that’s appropriate for your business
    • If you do not pay yourself payroll….. you may not qualify for a car loan, mortgage re-fi etc.  This is fine if you are married but …. life changes quickly, especially when we face crisis like this.  
      • LESSON:  Pay yourself payroll and build up your credit score so you can be individually financially strong


  2. Have a relationship with a good local personal banker(s)
    • I suggest both a large bank and a local credit union.   It seems old fashioned but personal relationships can make a difference in your loan approval rate.


  3. Be in a position to have good credit to acquire loans.  
    • This is *very* cheap money that can help you keep your business afloat and grow it.  Good credit scores are important.
      • Think twice before skipping your mortgage payment during this crisis.  Pay everything you can on time.


  4. Keep your books officially up to date – Your future self will thank you!
    • If your books aren’t up to date, it can be very stressful to try to pull this together quickly.  (i’ve been there in the past!)
    • A good accountant will have your Quickbooks cleaned up and all you need to do is pull the report (mine even sent it to me ready to go!)
      • Hot tip for Virtual Professional Bookkeepers!
      • If you want to learn to be a Virtual Bookkeeper or improve your game in that space checkout
  5. Have good cashflow + business savings for 3+ months
    • Just like we are taught to have a personal savings, our business should have this as well.  
    • Just think….. if I had $##,#### money in my business account right now, how different would I feel?


Do you qualify?

Get on it!  This process is going to be slow and tedious as banks adapt.   As one of my co-working advisors said “It’s like the wild wild west for a money grab out there”

Do you need guidance on starting or growing your Virtual Professional income?

Go to for the most up to date resources during this rapidly changing market!

Virtual Work Mentoring

Ways to Help April 2020


Virtual Work From Home As the ONLY Income

Virtual Work From Home As the ONLY Income


I left you hanging in the last post.…….. 

I’m heading into 2019 as a single mom on a single income…..and that is my Virtual Professional business.

What?  Yes it’s a bit nerve wracking on one hand.  But soooooo empowering on the other.

(Here’s where I get vulnerable.  Really vulnerable.)

For all of 2017 and 2018  I operated my business in the midst of major life turmoil.  Lost my father to cancer.  Separated from my husband.  Walking my daughter through significant treatment for anorexia.  And graduating my oldest and moving him across the country for college.

Here’s the good news (for me and for everyone out there running a VA / Virtual Professional business.)

I made it.  And so can you.

I didn’t just make it, I once again hit six figures.

(in revenue, not profit, not salary…..there was a lot that I outsourced just to keep myself physically well and mentally healing.)

It wasn’t until the kids went back to school in August that I was able to put my focus 100% back into my business.  And in 4 short months, I was back to my “normal” levels of Virtual Professional revenue.

My divorce was final on Dec. 26th and I entered 2019 100% financially responsible for myself and my 4 kids.

There is no fall back income.  No space to take a season off.   

All benefits of working from home that had been agreed upon in our marriage and were so helpful for the care of our 4 kids, are now gone and it’s all me.

What would you do differently in your business if your family was 100% relying on your income?

That’s quite a question.  And while I’ve always been a serious business builder, there are some things I’ve approached differently as a result of this change.

Cash flow is more important.  Delayed client payments can really throw a wrench into things.   Having more cash reserves also helps us work from a place of strength instead of a place of desperation and worry.

Selecting clients who respect your boundaries and time constraints is also essential.  While there are some days I can work later and longer, there are days that it’s all on me to get the kids somewhere and I can’t have emergency client work cropping up at those times.  (Hint:  clients 3 time zones away can have the best intentions but in all practicality, just isn’t right.)

Thinking about the longer term picture has also allowed me to select clients and projects that lead towards longer term, more sustainable business.

These are more “advanced” topics in the virtual professional space for sure.  Even if you are just getting started, I like to be transparent with what’s ahead.

I am still 100% a believer in this client-services business model.

I still see more work available than there are VA’s to take on.

It’s still the business model I am pursuing even as a single mom.

Share with me…..what’s the biggest thing holding you back from starting or growing your VA / Virtual Professional business?

(It could be the topic of my next email!)

If you’re ready to rock-n-roll, my best fast track trainings from 2018 are available in this training bundle at a special price only thru Tuesday.   It’s the lowest priced training package I’ve ever offered.

Because…….Our email list has been LIT UP since the holidays.  Hundreds of new people signing up since then.   It’s clearly time for a change.

These are the videos you want to watch if you are just beginning your VA business…… or if you are stalled and discouraged and want to reset with a fresh mentality (and be inspired knowing it can be done even if you are the sole breadwinner.)

Here’s to the women that are taking this Virtual Professional mountain with me!

3 best tips for what the Virtual Professional market will look like in 2019

3 best tips for what the Virtual Professional market will look like in 2019

The fastest way to build your own business is STILL services.   If you look closely at the the behind the scenes footage of even the biggest online businesses,  you’ll notice they bring a large percentage of their income from 1-on-1 coaching / mentoring or services.

Because the business model is so simple.

“What do you charge to do ______?”
“I charge $____/ hour.  Here’s my paypal link. I can start Thursday and it will be ready in 10 days.”

To get started, you answer these 3 questions…..

What service do I offer?
What should I charge?
Where do I find these clients?

As you approach a new year, I want to share my 3 best tips for what the Virtual Professional market will look like in 2019.

Follow these suggestions and your freelance / client-services work will flourish this year.

1.  Professionalism matters more and more
In November, I interviewed for a contract client that specifically sought out someone with a corporate background.

Their experience so far in working with other online freelancers was lacking of depth in knowledge, lacking in professionalism (just show up on time and communicate people!) and full of empty promises.

For this client, someone with a corporate background at least had a proven track record of experience and accountability. Now, if you don’t have a corporate background, don’t panic.  

The key here is to see what they were looking for:
– Show up on time.
– Do what you said you would do.

– Keep it professional.

Yes a lot of us are juggling kids but don’t waste time on a client call venting about why you were running late due to the slow dentist appointment.  

Your #1 job is to get work done for them, no matter how you juggle it.

2. Efficiency Expectations Continue to Escalate
And for good reason.  The content marketing machine is well oiled and the best brands are churning out top notch material across multiple platforms daily.

If you are in the space of working with content of any kind – blogs, articles, video, podcasts, social media – you have to be efficient.

One criteria I rate now when working with a new VA is how quickly they turn over work and how many “touches” with me did it take.

Example:  I assign something on Tuesday.  Want it by Friday. Have they opened it, reviewed it and asked short efficient questions within a day or so of the assignment?   Have they completed the work without reaching out to me multiple times for links, questions, decisions?

Working faster is GOOD for your business.

The more you get done, the more you can bill and the more space it opens up for work coming your way.


3.  In Person Connections are More Important Than Ever
It’s true I’ve grown many, many connections online over the years.  But the relationships that propelled my business the furthest, were also in person connections.

  • You meet online but then attend a conference or local meet up together.
  • You meet online but then join a mastermind together and connect over zoom weekly for 10 weeks.
  • You meet locally and bring their business into the online space.

So stop hiding behind your computer, typed messages or another instagram post announcing you have space for clients. Get on the phone.  Set up a Zoom video meeting.  And decide which conferences you’re going to attend in person this year.

So what does my 2019 Virtual Professional Business look like?

Single. Income.

That’s right.  More on that in part 2 of this email.

I did not exactly retire my husband but in 2019 I am caring for myself and 4 kids on only my Virtual Professional income.


There are not even enough emojis to do this justice. I’ll share these new developments and how to scale 1-on-1 services (without becoming a worn out, exhausted content engine) in part 2.

Until then, level up the professional in your virtual business!

PS – There’s a secret flash sale on my best trainings from 2018.  Click here to grab it. Only for those who read far enough to grab it.   You’re the ones who are going to crush it in your VA / Virtual Professional business this year!  

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Freedom In Your Work Schedule

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit Of Freedom In Your Work Schedule

{Virtual Work Opportunities for the week of July 3rd….scroll down…. but we’d love for you to read our advice on how to land these great opportunities first!}

What comfortable pattern is keeping you in work you don’t belong in? What’s holding you from quitting a day job or changing up your side gig to make it more profitable?

My motto this year is there is FREEDOM in TRUTH. If we can’t be truthful with ourselves and the situations we are in, we won’t break free.

Did your side gig only earn you $172 last month even though you worked on it 20 hours a week? (Math is always truthful)

Would you rather suffer thru the commute and a bad boss than take the risk of having to find your own clients?

Both of those are very real and accurate truths that many of you face.  Seek the truth and find your freedom!

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Find Freedom in this week’s HOT Virtual Work Opportunities

{These virtual work opportunities are pulled from various sources around the web each week.  Some are free listings and some require a membership to sites such as FlexJobs or HireMyMomIf you want the best clients, long-term business and the highest rates, we suggest using these sites over free Facebook groups.  To learn how to refine your search for the highest dollar virtual work opportunities, try our fast class.}

Tech-Oriented “VA” for Health & Wellness Entrepreneur

Up & coming Holistic Nurse Entrepreneur business is seeking a collaborative spirit, honorable intentions and an excellent work ethic, Virtual Assistant.

They are asking for a VA but there are some web-specific tech requests in this job description. So there are 2 ways to look at this….. if you’re a web person who doesn’t mind additional VA work, go for it! If you’re a VA missing the tech experience, a sub that works out to your favorite tech genius.

Admin Assistant for Busy Entrepreneur

This entrepreneur has likely been through a rough share of VA’s and even mentions bad experiences in the past. This post is written in a way that personal characteristics are more important than skill level.
Be Professional! This means be reliable, punctual, resourceful, have empathy and appreciation.
Skills can be taught and developed.

Digital Content Manager

Professional plus flexibility here.
A strategic marketing firm is looking for a passionate, driven, self-starter to join our expanding team. This role will work with a range of clients, managing the end-to-end blog and podcast production.
Responsibilities include on-boarding new clients, and assisting with current clients managing.
  1. Knowledge of email marketing platforms (such as MailChimp)
  2. Knowledge of CMS platforms such as WordPress, Hubspot etc.
  3. Knowledge of social media scheduling tools (specifically Buffer)

Virtual Part-Time Client Services Accountant

Jump into an established virtual bookkeeping business.
This company is looking to outsource for Part-Time Client Services Accountant. Our use of experienced accounting professionals, virtual infrastructure, and a systematized business process results in a compelling and comprehensive solution for growing businesses.
The ideal candidate will have the ability to work with multiple clients, learn about their businesses and optimizing their accounting workflow.
Collaboration with the clients’ team and provide them with support and data to help make their business a success is a priority.
Implement cutting-edge technology tools to provide each client with the best possible accounting solutions, business processes, and workflows.
Work From Home Business Case Study: For Writers

Work From Home Business Case Study: For Writers

copywriter case study how to turn writing skills into work from home business

Welcome to the How She Quits Show: Turning Your Passion for Writing into a Work From Home Business, Episode 21


Don’t downplay those WordGirl skills. It’s a true talent to clearly, cleverly and concisely write in a compelling way. (Did you like that sentence? Good! I like to think I’ve picked up some of my own WordGirl skills along the way!)  In this episode, I will show you a case study and business plan for how to take those writing skills into a successful work from home business.



Highlights from the Show:

1:40 What does good writing look like?

3:40 A Profile of a Word Girl

5:00 Beginner and Advanced Skillsets for Freelance Writing Work – Don’t forget, you can grow from a beginner into the advanced skills!

8:42 The process for building your writing business

Process to build a virtual work from home business slide

9:13 Tasks you can get paid for as a Word Girl

tasks a copywriter does

9:50 Profiles of clients are looking for this skillset

  • Big Time Bloggers
  • ECommerce Business
  • Entrepreneurs who are growing Online Business or Launching Courses
  • Writing Clearinghouse

12:48 Example results to work toward – The process for potential business growth of $150 to $5k+ per month

You likely still have questions about launching a work from home business like…

Where can I find those projects/clients?

Are my skills really good enough for this?

I know some of the things you talked about, but not all. How do I learn?

Do I need a website? How should I charge?

Can I do this on my own?

“Yes…we can do it on our own…I tried…and 2 1/2 years later still struggling because I didn’t have the proper foundation set in place. From participating in your courses (even after I had an established business) you offer a much shorter learning curve. Kind of like…we can all learn to drive on our own, but driver’s ed or a driver instructor sure help guide us!” – Kim Vander Poel, How She Quits Participant

Start Here with my FREE Resources:

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Want to move faster?

If you’re ready to quit that job or start earning fast check out my Virtual Professional Starter Kit.

Included in Starter Kit:

  • Instructional Guide with all the steps for whatever phase of Vir Pro Business you are in
  • Printable worksheets and templates, including Scope of Work template and a high performing Portfolio for getting started
  • 90 Minute Workshop to design the right VirPro business for YOU
  • 30+ video lessons teaching you specific steps to start and grow your business
  • Fast Classes Learn and learn quickly the highest dollar virtual work skills.

 Starter Kit Box