Parenting + Work – Adjusting to having it all

Parenting + Work – Adjusting to having it all

holding hands "I'll go with you" tattoo on arms


The New York Times recently published an article called:   In the Covid-19 Economy, You Can Have a Kid or a Job. You Can’t Have Both.  

Full stop.   I had been in the middle of a social media break but I put that quickly on pause.   Because this message is HUGE.  It hits the very soul of my life passion: for women to have BOTH successful careers and fulfilling motherhood (and now I’d add…. a strong partnership in parenting to benefit both).  

Can I just say….if I was working for a company remotely or outside my home I would be losing my mind about now. 

I’m already stretched thin balancing my flexible, full-time business from home with all my kids – whom I love – here with me! Throw in an ex-husband who regularly tells me it’s “no big deal… they can manage themselves while you work” and I’ve just focused on deep, cleansing breaths to get through this season…. which SURELY must come to an end right?

Here’s a great quote from this article (who is also an online business owner i.e. flexible schedule): 

“Let me say the quiet part loud: In the Covid-19 economy, you’re allowed only a kid or a job.  Why isn’t anyone talking about this? ………I think it’s because when you’re home schooling all day, and not performing the work you were hired to do until the wee hours of the morning, and do it on repeat for 106 days (not that anyone is counting), you might be a bit too fried to funnel your rage effectively.”

then this….

“And I speak from a position of significant privilege. We were, until recently, a two-income family with savings, paying for more than the minimum of child care hours that we needed each day just to cover what-ifs,……..But my family, as a social and economic unit, cannot operate forever in the framework authorities envision for the fall.”

 This is the problem…we can’t do this (the burnout mode) forever.

There is hope for a better way though, I am going to get to that. Not only am I doing this now but I have waded through some very tough seasons working fulltime as a mom of four and have some ideas I think will help.    


Thank goodness this is finally a topic! 

I’ve watched so many of us crawl into our caves of self-sacrifice and just GSD (get $hit done as my girls and I say) through work transition, remote school, extra sanitization and more.

Some charged full steam ahead as long as they could, others retreated and self-survived. Some of us truly just drank a little more and wondered how the days feel so long and short at the same time.

BECAUSE WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF BRUTE FORCE WORKING THRU SOMETHING FOR A SEASON (pregnancy, infancy, toddlers, teen hormones, bad bosses, midlife crises….. global pandemic + highly tumultuous world was just a new one for all of us). Here we are almost 4 months later with very few answers and no real end in sight.

 Pause and ask yourself these quick questions: 

  1. Did you take on too much? Is there room to ask for more balance from the other parent? 

 Married or not…. I challenge you to not enable a situation where life is being sucked out of you in the name of being a people pleaser. 

  1. Are you really working for the right employer or running the right business for you? 

 You still have choices….even in this economy.

you still have choices in this economy image

This topic has so many layers…… relationships, personal growth, life purpose/career choices, societal expectations, gender bias in the workplace.

Where am I finding the hope and the way right now?  Yes, firstly, deep cleansing breaths first but there is more than that.  There is good news in this and here it is… 

There is a way to move forward even given our current situation in life trying to “balance” it all… but Momma, you are going to have to think differently.

These are my “think different” game-changers: 

mom with kids outside

You can have both.  Work + Kids.  

It is not one or the other – that is a lie. Might just look a little different than it did before.  I’m still seeing a lot of professional working moms start their own freelance / contract businesses (the world is already moving this way). You know where to find my resources.  Here’s my  latest – epic master list of work from home options. 

kid holding schedule during pandemic

It will take new systems and partnership.  

This is a chance to reset your own expectations, systems, goals and focus to level up into a more effective you. Don’t gloss over that. Resetting expectations is HUGE. Leveling up might mean goaling down. Yeah… it’s temporary though! Maybe the goal post gets moved back a bit, we have to be kind to ourselves and our families right now in this season.  We aren’t saying no to ourselves but maybe it’s okay to say not yet.  

Partnership. This looks different for anyone but it is time to sit down and figure out how to be a good partner AND develop a fair and productive partnership.  This can be about more than the other parent.  Older kids can get involved here too.  A chance to ask them to level up where appropriate is an opportunity for all to grow and help the family in this season.  

Lori at computer selfie

Let’s all just “do good and be good”. 

As a leader (or an employee), it’s a chance to improve company culture and negotiate things like hours, salary, and flexibility that ultimately bring better results in business with happier employees. Not sure staying with your current employer is you best option, check out my blog on 3 Reasons To Quit. 

lori relaxing on beach

Rest and reset.  

We all need to still show up as emotionally intelligent professionals, both for work and for our families. There’s no end in sight to this season so like everything else you’ve figured out as a working mom….. let’s dig in and do this in community with one another. You were never meant to do it alone.  

Intentionally rest. I know how hard that can be. I build this into my schedule because it doesn’t happen otherwise.  This is different from burning out and not being able to look at the screen for a bit. Intentional rest ensures that we do not burn out on our work or our family.  It builds in time to relax and reset so we can take on another week, game face on. 

We got this because we have each other and that is the best way forward; together. 

Sending the strength to all the working parents out there!!!

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Work From Home Business Case Study: For Writers

Work From Home Business Case Study: For Writers

copywriter case study how to turn writing skills into work from home business

Welcome to the How She Quits Show: Turning Your Passion for Writing into a Work From Home Business, Episode 21


Don’t downplay those WordGirl skills. It’s a true talent to clearly, cleverly and concisely write in a compelling way. (Did you like that sentence? Good! I like to think I’ve picked up some of my own WordGirl skills along the way!)  In this episode, I will show you a case study and business plan for how to take those writing skills into a successful work from home business.



Highlights from the Show:

1:40 What does good writing look like?

3:40 A Profile of a Word Girl

5:00 Beginner and Advanced Skillsets for Freelance Writing Work – Don’t forget, you can grow from a beginner into the advanced skills!

8:42 The process for building your writing business

Process to build a virtual work from home business slide

9:13 Tasks you can get paid for as a Word Girl

tasks a copywriter does

9:50 Profiles of clients are looking for this skillset

  • Big Time Bloggers
  • ECommerce Business
  • Entrepreneurs who are growing Online Business or Launching Courses
  • Writing Clearinghouse

12:48 Example results to work toward – The process for potential business growth of $150 to $5k+ per month

You likely still have questions about launching a work from home business like…

Where can I find those projects/clients?

Are my skills really good enough for this?

I know some of the things you talked about, but not all. How do I learn?

Do I need a website? How should I charge?

Can I do this on my own?

“Yes…we can do it on our own…I tried…and 2 1/2 years later still struggling because I didn’t have the proper foundation set in place. From participating in your courses (even after I had an established business) you offer a much shorter learning curve. Kind of like…we can all learn to drive on our own, but driver’s ed or a driver instructor sure help guide us!” – Kim Vander Poel, How She Quits Participant

Start Here with my FREE Resources:

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Want to move faster?

If you’re ready to quit that job or start earning fast check out my Virtual Professional Starter Kit.

Included in Starter Kit:

  • Instructional Guide with all the steps for whatever phase of Vir Pro Business you are in
  • Printable worksheets and templates, including Scope of Work template and a high performing Portfolio for getting started
  • 90 Minute Workshop to design the right VirPro business for YOU
  • 30+ video lessons teaching you specific steps to start and grow your business
  • Fast Classes Learn and learn quickly the highest dollar virtual work skills.

 Starter Kit Box

Legitimate Work-From-Home Opportunities

Mom working from home with kids at table

The Work-From-Home Jobs Moms Want

Looking to make an extra $1000, or $10k even, at a work-from-home job?

Are you a stay at home mom tired of pinching pennies?

Are you stuck in the day job and spending most of your paycheck on childcare and most of your time in the commute?

Do you need more flexibility for your family?

On this week’s episode of the How She Quits Show we’ll take a realistic look at ways you can make legitimate money and still work from home.

We’re not talking direct sales or cash back apps. These are real jobs and businesses that you can work from home allowing you to maintain the flexibility you need as a mom.

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How She Quits – Episode 18: 

Episode 18, Legitimate Work-From-Home Opportunities, Show Notes:

  • 6:54 The 3 types of Work-from-Home Opportunities in a nutshell
  • 13:40 Definition & examples of Freelance ‘Virtual Work’
  • 18:10 Opportunity Mapper – Match your ideal level of business with the best work opportunities for you.
    Get my Master List of Recommended Work-from-Home Opportunities Here
  • 23:00 What about blogging?
  • 25:00 What is a Virtual Assistant? – What do you do? Who do you work for?
  • 30:35 Money Map Exercise for the beginning Virtual Professional
  • 31:52 Virtual Professional Freelancer Path – Next steps you should take

How Do I Get Started Working From Home?

The path to work-from-home independence can take different forms depending on your season of life or goals you’re trying to meet. If you’re feeling confused about the choices and what to find out what may be a good fit for you, Take this Quiz

Sign up HERE to get my Master List of Recommended, Legit, Flexible, Meaningful and Mom-Friendly Work-from-Home Opportunities and weekly updates with the best job postings my team can find.

Working as a Freelance Virtual Professional is the fastest way to income, with the most opportunity as the market (and high speed internet) grows to accept remote workers and defining your specialty will allow you to climb the industry maturity curve faster and better than generalist Virtual Assistant’s.

I created the Virtual Professaional Starter Kit as a shortcut to everything you need to start your Freelance Virtual Professional business from scratch. From the skills clients are looking for to what you need in a contract, this combo can springboard you into successfully having the flexibility of working from home. 

Testimonial Image and Quote about Lori mentoring program

Mom Biz Case Study: Turn Your Creative Media Skills into a Work-from-Home Business

How She Quits Show: Episode 19: Turn Creative Talents into a Work-From-Home Business

  • Do you love to make fun graphics and share them on social?
  • Are your friends in love with your Instagram feed style?

These skills can be turned into a freelance social media business you can do from home!

Whether you are new to this or have been working as a social media manager for some time and you’re looking for that next level in your business, this episode is for you.

I walk through a step-by-step case study for taking your creative social media talents and turning them into freelance income from home.

Show Highlights:

“Creative Talent will NEVER be out of work!”   

Yes.  If you have an “eye for design” and are responsive and can understand the brand of a client easily, you will never lack for freelance work.

Exactly what does a freelancer in this creative social media space do?

You may be creative, but simply don’t know all the tools.  Here’s what a beginner and advanced skillset looks like in this space:

Don’t know all these tools?

It’s all learn-able.  But creative talent typically isn’t.  So take those creative skills and trust the process of experience and practice projects as you learn tools like Canva or Hootsuite along the way.  Check out our Fast Class for Rapid Skill Learning here.

Only 2 Steps Are Required to Build This Business:


And the results…..

Not bad for flexible, quick to start work-from-home projects!

But exactly who are you working for?  I give more examples in the video but here’s a great one:

Ready to get started? Your next questions may be:

  • Where can I find those projects/clients?
  • Are my skills really good enough for this?
  • I know some of that but not all, how can I learn?
  • Do I need a website? How do I charge?

You can start looking at our free resources for finding virtual work here and our master list of legit work-from-home work options for moms here.

If you are interested in going faster and would like a step-by-step guide on how to launch a work-from-home business with your creative talents, I created that for mommas just like you!  I have complied all I know into an easy self-guided tool for taking your business idea to reality in my Starter-Kit.  


You can go EVEN faster with personalized mentoring and accountability that helps you:

  • Quickly identify your special talents that are desired in this freelance space

  • Design your freelance profile to stand out

  • Package and price your way to profit and flexibility

  • Land specific clients and projects that are the best fit for you

  • Stay motivated within a community of freelancer moms like you

You could have your freelance business up and running in just a few weeks with personalized mentoring.

Learn how here.

{I’d love to walk this journey with you and help you sidestep the landmines along the way.}

Still worried about not having the skills? Check out Verified Virtual Professional Training Center here.

Thanks for stopping by.  You clearly have a fire burning inside you and a need for change if you stopped by here today 🙂

10 Jobs That Easily Transition Into Work From Home Virtual Assistant

10 Jobs That Easily Transition Into Work From Home Virtual Assistant

10 jobs that can transition to work-from-home virtual assistant jobs

Welcome to the How She Quits Show – Episode 9

You’ve got skills…but how do you best leverage them to start a successful work from home virtual assistant business?

I often hear people that come I across in my business worry over the fact that they don’t have the right skill set to start a Virtual Professional business. In episode 9 we’re going to ditch the doubt and learn the transferable skills professions like teachers, administrative assistants, nurses, bloggers, sales reps and others have that translate into work from home virtual assistant jobs.

Today we’re going to look at 10 jobs and their transferable skills, the opportunities in the market you can use them for and the unique appeal they offer to your potential clients.

Top Professions That Can Become Successful VA's

Here are some highlights from the interview that you really don’t want to miss (just forward to the time stamp noted before the highlight).

2:41 Why you shouldn’t get stuck on the word assistant…more detail on that here

5:55 Teachers – “Teachers have a big opportunity to move into the VA space because they have a great mix of organizational and creative skills”

8:55 Administrative Assistants…more detail on that here

10:33 Customer Service – “Customer Service Professionals have a unique ability to problem solve in a very professional manner.”

14:06 Technical Support

16:53 Nursing – “Nurses can make excellent VA’s because they value process and protocol, and not making mistakes.”

18:45 Accounting/Bookkeeping

20:54 Marketing

22:14 Project Manager – “If you can create a process to make sure big things get done you can be a winner in the VA space.”

23:53 Technical Work, QA or Developer

25:40 Sales – “you don’t just have to work commission”

I also got to answer some questions from the live audience… I seriously love taking you questions, join me live and hit me up!

30:02 My thoughts on Flex Jobs vs. Hire My Mom vs. Upwork…check out a whole show on that here

33:55 What jobs should you bid for if you have little ones at home with you?


bookkeeper jobs transition to work from home work

Guess what? I have a few more opportunities I want to share with those of you ready to take your skills into a virtual work from home business now.  Think action items; tangible steps to move you towards launching your VA business.   My partners are offering some great courses and guides right now.  I only partner with a few other organizations that personally know and can genuinely recommend.

“Word Girls”: Proof Readers and all those who love to perfect the written word, check out this link for the fastest way to take your gift to a virtual business and start this year.

“Number Crunchers”: Bookkeepers and all my number savvy moms out there…you don’t even need an accounting degree to launch a successful bookkeeping business.  My friends at are ready to show you step by step how to launch a virtual bookkeeping business. Just check out this link to learn more about their great guide and course.

“Go-getters”: you realize you have all the skills you need and are ready to find that virtual work now. Head over to and find the work waiting for you!

Check out my 7 Businesses You Can Start Virtually Guide below and let’s stay connected, I can’t wait to hear about your new work-from-home success story!

* I’m an affiliate partner of these recommended programs and will receive compensation. Remember I only affiliate with a select few experts whom I trust and share the same core business values with.

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Mom-Biz Series: What is a Copywriter?

Mom-Biz Series: What is a Copywriter?

what is a copywriter header image


1. a person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material.


Let’s talk words.

Maybe the techie stuff isn’t your deal. 

It’s okay. I understand. Just because I love it (really love it) doesn’t mean I do not realize that everyone else in the world isn’t getting all jazzed up over funnels, web design and coding.

Seriously, so fun for me.

I digress. 😉

If you LOVED English in college or even just get excited to update your Facebook status every day, maybe copy writing is the path for you.

Knowing the right thing to say in a way that gets an audience excited to read is an ART. It is also a skill that SO many techie people need so their talents actually get seen. See how perfect this virtual workplace is?

So what does a day in the life look like? The case study below goes into the details of copy writing as a virtual career. If you are interested in other “Word Girl” virtual work options, check the links after the case study and then click on over to my How She Quits episode 21 for a step by step look at putting your word skills to work including a business plan for a copywriter biz and more! 

Copywriter Tools and Resources  

There are so many paths to earning and learning in this writing biz field so I have pulled a list of practical and tangible places to learn more about how to take your word skills into the virtual workspace here:

  • Veteran “Word Girl” virtual business super star and proofreader extraordinaire, Caitlin Pyle, has a great option for those of you who love words and are grammar superstars: Caitlin offers THESE great resources for those of you ready to launch your virtual word girl biz now.
  • A few of my other favorite resources for “Word Girls”:
    • LORI ADD?
  • Not sure copywriting is for you and want to explore other virtual work options? Click here


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