Trust me, I hear you. 

You want to get out. You are ready to leave and yet? You feel stalled. 

Sure, there is a lot of information out there, but you just aren’t sure what is right for you.

Not to worry, over the next few weeks I am going to share with you some of the top HOT jobs that are in demand in the virtual space. You will get the inside scoop on what is need to be successful and what you can expect in each field!

First Up: Virtual Assistant!! 

This can be so many things and match so many talents you have to offer.   Let me just entice you with this….. I have around 3 – 4 VA’s working for me in some capacity right now.   And I’ve tested and fired at least a dozen who were not up to par.   You know what that means?   There is mega-opportunity for responsible, talented, self-starters to leap into this marketplace and quit your day job (as quickly as 3 months as this interview with one of my VA’s Amy Lockrin).

Your Virtual Assistant Case Study is below.   Do you see yourself in that job?  With those hours?  And that work?   Don’t let go of that vision.  Get out your journal and take notes….then take some action to get started.

Be sure to check out my Master List of Professional Work From Home Opportunities. It will walk you through everything from VA skills to other specialized high earning virtual work opportunities available now. 

VA’s are a booming industry with lots of opportunity.  It also means it can feel like the wild, wild, west with everyone making it up as they go.  You need to differentiate and this is the best way because those who differentiate are actually PROFESSIONALS.   Yes, I prefer to use the term “Virtual Professional” to describe your professional skills, offered remotely from home.  If this is you, dive in now with our Go Virtual Professional Starter Kit.