what is a copywriter header image


1. a person who writes the text of advertisements or publicity material.


Let’s talk words.

Maybe the techie stuff isn’t your deal. 

It’s okay. I understand. Just because I love it (really love it) doesn’t mean I do not realize that everyone else in the world isn’t getting all jazzed up over funnels, web design and coding.

Seriously, so fun for me.

I digress. 😉

If you LOVED English in college or even just get excited to update your Facebook status every day, maybe copy writing is the path for you.

Knowing the right thing to say in a way that gets an audience excited to read is an ART. It is also a skill that SO many techie people need so their talents actually get seen. See how perfect this virtual workplace is?

So what does a day in the life look like? The case study below goes into the details of copy writing as a virtual career. If you are interested in other “Word Girl” virtual work options, check the links after the case study and then click on over to my How She Quits episode 21 for a step by step look at putting your word skills to work including a business plan for a copywriter biz and more! 

Copywriter Tools and Resources  

There are so many paths to earning and learning in this writing biz field so I have pulled a list of practical and tangible places to learn more about how to take your word skills into the virtual workspace here:

  • Veteran “Word Girl” virtual business super star and proofreader extraordinaire, Caitlin Pyle, has a great option for those of you who love words and are grammar superstars: Caitlin offers THESE great resources for those of you ready to launch your virtual word girl biz now.
  • A few of my other favorite resources for “Word Girls”:
    • LORI ADD?
  • Not sure copywriting is for you and want to explore other virtual work options? Click here


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