{Virtual Work Opportunities for the week of May 1st….scroll down…. but we’d love for you to read our advice on how to land these great opportunities first!}

By now we’ve scanned thousands and posted hundreds of virtual work opportunities and we’ve only been doing this for about 6 months.

We do it to show you the WORK IS OUT THERE.

The virtual work world is so new and so wildly inconsistent. There is no standard yet. Which is frustrating but totally plays to your advantage. People are literally inventing their businesses as they go.

This is one of those moments you will regret if you let it slip by.

What does the virtual work potential look like?

If you want to make an extra $1000 a month. Almost a no-brainer.

If you want to replace $2 – 4k of your day job. Yes. Absolutely possible.

If you want to move into the $5-10k per month range…. yes. With the right skills, this is possible (and then higher because bringing that kind of professionalism into this industry is sooooo needed.)

What will the virtual work industry look like if you wait?

My prediction is this:

Those who started now will be dug in steady with the best clients. (All of my best clients are long-term… 1 – 2 years of work together. Find your fit and don’t change a good thing!)

Virtual Professional agencies will own the placement of the top talent (and take a portion of your pay if you work through them)

General VA work will become more and more commoditized (and therefore lower priced).

If you wait, you will start at a lower rate and have a tougher time working your way up.

This is why you need to start sooner and refine your skills and move into that highly skilled arena ahead of the pack.

You have a chance to be first to market. Which is like a winning lottery ticket.

What if you would have been an early investor in Uber? Or Amazon? Or Facebook? Aloha right? Success!

Or maybe a more relatable scenario for us moms who’ve most likely been pitched a variety of direct sales/home party businesses over the years. The first people in always have the best opportunity.

Ok. There is nothing MLM about this but the first mover advantage is very relevant.

Waiting until you…..

🔸 get thru the next project

🔸 your child is in preschool

🔸 your husband gets his promotion

🔸 the kids are back in school

Don’t wait. You can start small and start quickly and get further ahead.

Here are some insights into applying for this week’s positions.

I actually talk to the business owners for many of the postings we share. I do this to let them know we are sharing their post. Sometimes I suggest better ways to position their opening. Sometimes I have a prime candidate for them who has completed one of my programs (6 Weeks to Clients for example).

Here is what they are saying:
✔️ They are often overwhelmed by responses.
     TIP: You need to stand out.

✔️ Many of the responders simply don’t respond back quickly enough.
     TIP: Be responsive (within a few hours) and follow up.

✔️ Personality is key. They just don’t connect.
     TIP: Kindness and authenticity matter.

✔️ When they find the right person, there is always more work for them moving forward.
     TIP: Your first project can open the door to much more.

This week’s HOT VWO’s

{These virtual work opportunities are pulled from various sources around the web each week.  Some are free listings and some require a membership to sites such as FlexJobs or HireMyMomIf you want the best clients, long term business and the highest rates, we suggest using these sites over free Facebook groups.  To learn how to refine your search for the highest dollar virtual work opportunities, try our fast class.}

Online Genius is Hiring Again

This is your chance to work for a highly successful mom CEO in the online business world. You will learn, learn, learn your socks off even as you help her with admin and organization (i.e. I read project management in this). The job posting is well thought out. She’s a gem! And this is likely to be work that is rewarding and opens many doors for the right person. Apply by May 11th!

Flexible, Clearly Defined VA Position

A structured VA job description with training? This is so rare to find. This client knows what VA work makes them successful. Traditional online VA support for author/consultant kinds of things – newsletters, emails, client scheduling, web posting.
Must be available a couple of hours a day between the hours of 10-5 EST. Bonus – this entrepreneur understands SAHM life and the importance of flexibility. Feels kind of warm and fuzzy when I read this one 🙂

Etsy + Pinterest VA

Etsy, Pinterest, and other social media management. This looks FUN and promising. When a business owner is hiring in this space, they are GROWING and looking for their right-hand girl to help them grow faster.

Virtual Law Firm Admin

Very detailed and specific job description here shows me this will be a great client for the right part-time virtual assistant. If you have any kind of legal secretary background then go show your stuff in email response, calendar management, accounting, and research.

2 Clients in One for a Virtual Book Keeper

Pick up multiple clients in one swoop! Quickbooks Bookkeeper for a business owner with multiple businesses. This is EFFICIENCY. For you and the client. The job description demonstrates they are organized and know exactly what they need. (That’s a good thing!)

So how do you stand out and really land one of these opportunities?

Just dive in of course. Action always wins.

There are, however, smarter and better ways to do this than others. Ways that save you a lot of time and increase your rates sooner. And it’s too much for just one post. It takes advice, refinement, learning and studying yourself and the market. But it’s SO DOABLE with the right guidance.

We do this together in the How She Quits Community. You accelerate finding the right clients with personal attention in the 6 Weeks To Clients program.

It’s not a giant massive group of other women learning a cookie cutter VA business.

(that will ultimately be commoditized right?) First and foremost I’m a business strategist. My goal is to help you take your skills and craft a business that grows to be a sustainable, valuable specialist business…. before the market gets there ahead of you!

You have the chance to have a clear business strategy and new clients.

Remember….. stand out. Get your business designed and operational ahead of the crowd.