Welcome to the How She Quits Show – Episode 17

Today is Part 2 of a 3 part series on the How She Quits show…… we’re going to go rapidly through the most important advice for any mom running an online business today.

Part 1 Covered 3 ways to grow your 1-on-1 services business immediately. Watch Here
Part 2 Discusses moving to packaged services and 1-to-Many offerings (such as online courses or memberships). Watch Here

Now that you’ve learned what’s involved in starting your own online course or membership program it’s time to talk about scaling it up.

This episode will show you what it takes to grow the revenue and profitability of your 1-to-Many program. If you are a Virtual Professional, this is also good information to have for your clients.

Show Notes

In this episode: 

  • Why Online Courses and Memberships are an entirely different business than 1-on-1 services.
  • My Automated Online Business Framework I use with my personal 1-on-1 clients
  • The money map for Online Businesses
  • What you aren’t being told about selling Online Courses.
  • Top Tips for your Opt-In, Traffic Drivers, Ongoing Nurturing and Sales Offer

The Key Components

In Lesson 2 of this series I shared “all you need” to sell an online program. Let’s review:

  1. Program name and logo
  2. Sales Page and a way to collect payments online
  3. Email list to market to
  4. Social Channel to market to
  5. Website/Tool to deliver the program itself (ex. membership area)

Those are the tangible things you need in place, but what’s really going to drive your sales is People. The right people. Looking at your sales page and wanting to buy your product.

You’ve created a great online product that people should want to buy! But the science, math and strategy to get them to do that is not as simple as it sounds.

The Money Map

Online courses range from a $17 video series on bible journaling to a $3000 training on how to build your coaching business. And the marketing tactics to build each are a bit different.

You need to know your numbers when you’re building your business.
Remember: Higher Conversions + Lower Cost per Lead = Winning!

What you aren’t being told about selling Online Courses

  • Many dollars are poured into testing the right offers in advance of a launch
    (Then the ad dollars are poured in, or the JV partnerships are forged, to increase traffic volume)
  • Launching / Promotions are a high dollar skillset. Don’t expect to understand this immediately.

Dialing in the perfect SEO, perfect ad, perfect offer is the key to success of the big launches that inspire you
Even those with large audiences sometimes fail here

Top Tips

Your Sales Offer
It is pragmatic to look at this first. Begin with the end in mind, as they say.
Determine, what are you going to sell and to whom.

Traffic Drivers
Go where the right audience is.
Pick 1 main channel plus a second if you can handle the time.
Paying for traffic brings faster results.
Partnering / Guesting can be the difference maker.

What is your free offer?
Listen to the words of your audience, then use these exact words in your marketing.
Give them a quick win that leaves them wanting the full solution.
Test, test, test!
Decide if you want evergreen or a launch mode.
Leads can come from many different needs to the same offer.

Ongoing Nurturing
Email marketing is harder, but not dead. Email is noisy right now, but there are other ways to nurture your audience.
Continue to give in the email sequence to show value.
Regularly clear and freshen your email list.
Know what your audience’s email habits / tolerance is.
Also use FB retargeting to get back in front of them.

Now you Test!
Is the freebie appealing? Is the offer what they want? How do we know?
Referencing back to the Automated Online Business Framework will help you to understand where along the process adjustments need to be made.


Scaling and Growing an Online Course / Membership is an art of its own that takes time to learn and refine.

(I can sound like a dream crusher when sharing how to do this, but,  I prefer to set you up for realistic expectations instead of selling my own course to make it look unrealistically simple and give you heartbreak.)

If you believe in your course,
have the perseverence for the journey,
And can wait for profitability…..
Follow your calling and build that course!

If you want my help, I encourage you to join the How She Quits Collective. This is a community of women who are growing their 1-on-1 services business or building an online course or membership and is the place where I offer support through weekly office hours and group calls to answer the wide range of questions that come up as you’re growing your online business.