Top 7 Products & Services to Sell in Your Business to Quit Your Day Job ASAP

Top 7 Products & Services to Sell in Your Business to Quit Your Day Job ASAP

Every day I am asked what is the quickest way to get out of a corporate career that I hate. It is a question that I love and hate to answer. I hate to know so many women are suffering at jobs that leave them unhappy and unfilled but I love sharing my true passion – how to leave the golden handcuffs and show the way to creating a life that works for you. There is nothing more freeing and exciting that becoming your own boss.  While there are 7 main ways I listed here to create income as your own boss…I do have a favorite and top reccomendation.  Just skip down to number 7 for that answer!


Info Products

Does this take a lot of work? Yes – and while you might not see it – typically the money is made on lower dollar items. What most people are not telling you is that only a few are rising to the top! What I mean is – you need a HUGE mailing list and a big following to make money here.

For example:  If you want to make $50,000 with a $100 product you will need to sell 500 of your item. Doesn’t seem bad right? Let’s break it down a little more. With a 10% conversion (with is pretty high!) you will need to have to be in front of 10,000, consistently. This is without any advertising costs, team members, anything. Whew. It’s a big undertaking right out of the gate.

A Book

So many women in corporate want to write a book. I have done this. Let’s think of it this way – a book for you is a great BUSINESS card.  Typically a book’s money isn’t made from sales, it is actually the tour, the speaking engagements, and everything that comes with it. I hear from corporate women all day long that you are interested in doing this.  That you want to write a book about your knowledge and experience – I get it! I was right there with you. Just know that isn’t going to be your path to replacing income. It is a great path to getting your name out there so people connect quickly.

Speaking Engagements

Do you love getting out in public and wowing a crowd? There is great money in this if you are good at it! If you like PR, love getting out in the public eye, and are really good at it, you can pull in tens of thousands of dollars doing this. Just know you will have to hustle to build your platform and be known in this field.

Affiliate Marketing

Selling someone’s products. There is great money in this. You can sell, recommend, and make money through someone else products by various streams of media. Do I recommend it as your only source of income (or even the way you leave corporate)? No – I don’t.

Advertising Space

This used to be this big game a few years ago. Is it the same now? Not so much – things have shifted now. It is hard to get into but that does not mean you cannot jump in if you are ready to work and realize you are in for the long haul. Are you a connector? Are you good at sponsorships and know how to work those deals? This might be right for you. Is this the fastest route? Not likely.

Physical Products

Maybe the most fun! (I am bias – Love our Firefighter Wife Line!) Amazon and Shopify are amazing platforms that are easy to work with and just about anyone can set up, create, and start selling within 24 hours. How incredible is that? Does that mean you will make enough money to leave your job in 24 hours? No – but you can begin the process. You need more capital here – this is a long process and one that should be fueled with passion. You will be surrounded by your product!

Service Business

My number one recommendation! This can be anything from a Virtual Assistant, Web Designer, Bookkeeper, etc. There are so many options and skills that are needed throughout the world. A client service-based business is where you can take your skills from the corporate world and shift them into a marketable offer that allows you to work virtually! CHeck out my 7 Businesses download below for specific virtual businesses that you can start this week!

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Be Your Own Boss:

Which idea is going to take you from your day job to your flexible, work from home career?  If you just need the nuts and bolts to start your virtual business, my Starter Kit was designed just for you.


You know yourself best. If you need more hands-on help than any tool kit/online course can offer or maybe you have started something but it just not growing the way you need it to…

I have mentored many women through the process and I would love to help you too!  I will coach, train, and push you to design your best and more profitable virtual business with my Virtual Mentoring Program.  Get to know me and learn more about my mentoring program below:

Top 3 Reasons to Quit Your Corporate Career Right Now

Top 3 Reasons to Quit Your Corporate Career Right Now

Mom excited and working at laptop

I quit my corporate career after 22 years.


Hi, I’m Lori.

And I’m a quitter.

I quit doubting my abilities and being paid too little for my talents.

I quit racing out the door every morning to make that next “urgent” meeting set by someone else while being held captive in our corporate cells.

I quit having to fly around the world at someone else’s demand and instead choosing when and where I want to travel with my family for my business.

I quit scheduling 6 am conference calls to Europe and 9 PM conference calls to Asia because that’s my family time.

I quit worrying about what that new boss is going to do to our project budget and timeline and staffing levels.

I quit the corporate rat race but I still do what I love, with all my professional skills and experiences, on my time, with clients I chose, from the comfort of my home.

These days I’m home every morning for breakfast and I’m here every afternoon when the bus pulls up.

Yes sometimes I work early mornings or late evenings but it’s by my choice.

I truly quit working.   Because what I do now rarely feels like work.

If you’re like me, a busy corporate working mom, you’ve spent time choking back angry words and hot tears in your cubicle for a million and one reasons.

lori quote about quitting corporate

Let me tell you the truth that no one else is sharing… 

You were made for more than this.  And there is a better way to be wife, mom and mega-__________ (insert your super talent) for the world.

You see, you are so talented that the smart people in your company want to keep you around.  They’ll stroke you with just the right compliments and just enough flexibility to make the job tolerable.   Of course, they aren’t going to tell you that you are worth more because they don’t want to lose you.

You might be sitting there thinking, “But Lori, that is great for YOU. It won’t be the same for ME. I won’t be as lucky.”

Nope. Nada. Luck has nothing to do with it. It takes brains (you’ve got them), a system (you can learn that) and a new way of thinking outside of the corporate mold (you’ll start going there with this article.)

There are 3 primary reasons to quit your corporate career now:

#1 Freedom – You make your schedule

Do you dread setting the alarm clock at night? Does the sound of it going off in the morning make you cringe? Does it make you shiver with anger every time you have to take time off for a doctor’s appointment or vacation? If any of things are ringing true for you, then you are craving a life of control – where you are in charge. Running your own business does not mean you do not have the responsibility, it simply means you are one making the decisions. Many times it is MORE work, but it is work you care about.

#2 Family – Your most important priority

Oh moms. This is where my heart and passion lie. I can remember laying awake night after night just devastated that another day would go by where I would miss seeing those sweet cheeks laying next to me. Hearing the baby belly laughs or experience the awkward elementary plays because I had a late meeting. There is no pain like a mother’s hurt, feeling like she is letting her family down (even though we are NOT – know that I do not feel that way… I just know what YOU are feeling. I have been there!). If you have the passion and desire to BE there with your family. Truly there, in and out every single day no matter the good, bad, in between times – there is a path to do so and the options are more available than ever.

#3 Passion – You were made for more than what’s inside those cubicle walls

Now, don’t think for a second I am getting all “woo-woo” on you! My techie side just isn’t made like that, I promise.  BUT – there is something to be said for following what we love. If you are with me reading this, you have something you love, truly love. You have a piece of you that is missing, where your career just isn’t enough. Where your career + family STILL isn’t filling a void that you NEED to feel complete. Honestly, I have spoken to so many mothers who feel BAD about this. Please do not. This is incredible and is one the things that make you such a great mom. Your passion and drive are what will bring you great success.

You likely have some business ideas and maybe you’ve even taken some steps to get started but it feels like everything is stacked against you and it seems that it may be just easier to tough it out in this job.

Don’t be lulled into complacency with the “easy” money.

Your job there is no safer than the entrepreneurial world.  It could be cut tomorrow and “they” are not going to feel bad about that.  “They” care about the company first, people second.

My only regret leaving my corporate job is that I didn’t do it soon enough.

Don’t believe the lies within those cubicle walls.  There is a way out that doesn’t mean sacrificing your family nor your professional skills.

Take the next step and join our free community or download the guide to 7 Virtual Businesses You Can Start Today.

If you are a professional making $80k+ in corporate and want to expedite your Virtual Professional business, Virtual Work Mentor is the program you want.   

What is holding you back?  Why not quit your corporate career now? Please share in the comment section below, maybe we can find our way through that together.

I quit on chalkboard