{Virtual Work Opportunities for the week of May 28th….scroll down…. but we’d love for you to read our advice on how to land these great opportunities first!}

The worst working-mom day ever for me was the first day of summer. Everyone else would sleep in while I left early, dressed in stuffy clothes and watched as my babysitter, husband or neighbor shared photos of all the summer fun.
Not only was I missing my own healthy dose of sunshine stuck in that corporate air conditioning, I was using up all my best energy in the office and coming home spent and exhausted.
This. Is. Motivation. Can this be the last summer you ever have to spend in an office?
You guys. Working in the sunshine is the best ever!
Breaking up my work day to match my kids summer schedule….priceless.
So I put together this free training to capitalize on that momentum as we kick off summer.
How to build your mom-life-friendly professional work-from-home business this summer.
It’s not MLM or direct sales. You can use the skills you already have. Organization. Computer skills. Customer Service. Writing. Design.
It seems easy! So what you are missing to make this happen?
1. Where are these jobs?
2. What are my marketable skills and how do I present them?
3. What about all those “scary business steps”? (Hint: There aren’t any. This is really simple.)
I’ve taught customer service reps how to become freelance professionals. And I’ve shown well-paid corporate professionals, how to transition into more interesting and meaningful clients using their talents from home as freelancers.
This show is a special Memorial Day edition. It will boost your end of the 3 day weekend spirit with a plan and a path to move into PROFESSIONAL work-from-home life. Watch it here.(even if the 3 day weekend has passed)
Lead in title for this week’s VWO’s
{These virtual work opportunities are pulled from various sources around the web each week. Some are free listings and some require a membership to sites such as FlexJobs or HireMyMom. If you want the best clients, long term business and the highest rates, we suggest using these sites over free Facebook groups. To learn how to refine your search for the highest dollar virtual work opportunities, try our fast class.}
Long-Term VA for Luxury Real Estate Company
Luxury Real Estate Company in Aspen is looking for a perfectionist with attention to detail, an eye for design and is good with words. An entrepreneur is seeking a long-term VA for tasks such as copywriting, proofing marketing materials and drafting emails. Since looking at high-end real estate is a fun past time of mine, this sounds FUN!
Content & Social Media Specialist for Start-up
PT Social Media Manager for Health & Nutrition Blogger
Are you a health & nutrition guru? This Social Media Manager position could be ideal for you. Big request…lots of platforms, content development, campaign management and more.
PT Branding-Product Manager for High-End Home Product Retailer
Start Your New Online Book Keeping Business With This Client
Are you a bookkeeper a little nervous about finding your own clients? This is a great virtual gig to start small and grow into more under the wing of an accomplished bookkeeping and accounting company.