The “sweet spot” is when this “life formula” adds up:
Committed Marriage + Physical Health + Mental Health + Happy Family Life + Your Work Is also Your Passion (+ your personal cup of tea hobby and interest) = The Sweet Spot
Of course that never adds up perfectly. We all have sick days, sick kids, yes even bratty misbehaved kids, something annoying about our spouse and many other things out of our control to lead to one or more elements of that formula taking over and dominating the equation.
However, there are a few things in that equation well within our means to tweak and adjust and find our way back to that sweet spot. Of course marriage and health and family are lifelong journeys of learning with no shortcuts. Every birthday brings new wisdom.
Work though. Now that’s a choice. Where to work. How to work. With whom to work. When to work.
Even good work can go bad, at which point you chose to stick it out for the season or make a change. You don’t have to stay stuck in bad work.
Work is always changeable in some way which is an incredibly exciting part of life.
“You can be anything” is what we tell kids but not as often do we tell it to ourselves.
Recently my church featured me in this short video during a series called “Stories from the Water Cooler”. Last year I made the switch from working in a corporate 8-5 job that took me from my family so much to working for myself as a business consultant and founder and director of a non-profit. It’s a dream. Honestly. I don’t say that to brag. I say that because I want this for so many people. Not to do exactly what I have done but to find Work. That. Works. I want for young dads to not have to fly all over God’s gorgeous creation climbing the proverbial corporate ladder selling something their heart isn’t into if it’s sucking their soul. I want smart, talented moms to have work that flexes around their family needs. I want baby boomers to be able to care for aging parents and still contribute their wisdom and gifts in the work place. I want young singles out of college to be able to pursue the giant problems in our world with fresh new thinking. I of course want firefighters to find their place in their crew and department where they can best serve…and perhaps even a side career love that fills them up after a night of tough calls.
When you find work that works, you are best aligned to bring your best self and your best gifts to this world. To your life, your marriage, your family, your community and more. Ultimately, 24-7 COMMITMENT is about a commitment in all those facets of our life, including work. It’s hard to be committed to work that doesn’t work.
Doing work that works is……
- doing work that matches your natural and learned talents
- doing work in an environment (office, people, team, online community) that matches your personality
- doing work that fits with your season of family needs
- doing work that fills your soul
If you aren’t already subscribed to my working mom email list, you can register below. And yes, men are welcome too. And you don’t have to know a firefighter to get in. Because you all need to be finding creative ways to be home with your growing children as well!